I see them day by day he works that works with his foot on the pedal
They are working women who work and work locked in the home,
They are invisible women. That they just want to work and
Be recognized as such

They are the new forms of the neoliberal model, they got them out of the companies
To entrench them in your community,
They do not know about rest, they work day and night.
Produces that produces, for the formal company.

They tell them that they are entrepreneurs, to keep them invisibility,
But they are working women, who work at home
Without having social security rights,
They don’t have a vacation like everyone else.

Home work is neither new nor formal
Today with great pride we can pronounce ourselves
We have unions nationwide, and we will be
Recognized like all the others.

For that we organize ourselves to get out of invisibility
Together with allies who helped us to regain dignity
To leave four walls of our home.
Today we say we are in force.

And to this Congress we come to greet you
We are the home workers
That organized, we come to participate
To strengthen the union organization

Patricia Coñoman Carrillo

Home worker unions, 2016