HomeNet International

In 2018, representatives of HBWs from five regions met in Stockholm, Sweden along with WIEGO. They unanimously decided to take concrete steps to set up a global network of HBWs. An Interim International Working Group with one representative and an alternate from each region was established to steer the process over a two-year period that would culminate with the launch of HomeNet International in 2020. They agreed to an extensive consultative process to ensure home-based workers and through their membership-based organizations fully participate in making decisions about the proposed network. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch and physical Congress that was originally planned for 2020 was postponed. Despite the situation, HomeNet International held it’s first Congress virtually and was officially launched on February 23 and 24, 2021.


HomeNet International (HNI) is a global network of membership-based workers’ organizations representing millions of home-based workers (HBWs) around the world. In February 2021, 36 HBW organizations from 20 countries became the first affiliate members to join the organization, representing more than 600 000 HBWs. Currently, HNI represents more than 1.3 million home-based workers, from 71 organizations spread across 30 countries. The network aims to achieve the following: raise visibility and gain recognition of home-based workers (HBWs) as workers, build and provide solidarity amongst HBWs around common issues and use the power of a global voice to influence governments and employers globally.

Key Functions of HNI are:


The vision of HNI " is for greater visibility and recognition of home-based workers, and a strong, united and representative voice on global platforms, where they effectively engage and challenge those who have power over their working lives, such as governments and employers "


  1. Democratic, accountable membership-based organizations of home-based workers including trade unions, cooperatives, associations, self-help groups and, home-based worker producer owned companies or
  2. Democratic, accountable membership-based federations, networks or alliances of home-based workers, or
  3. Multi-sector membership-based organizations where home-based workers are a part, provided that the affiliation to HNI is based only on the number of home-based workers in the affiliate and that representation in HNI is from the HBW section only.
  4. All the above potential MBO affiliates (a to c above) will be required to also meet the following criteria:
    1. Either be registered as a membership-based organization of home- based workers or function as such and fulfill the conditions at (ii) to (viii) below
    2. Work at local and/or national / country level
    3. Have a written constitution / rules
    4. Have evidence of a governing body elected by the home-based worker members
    5. Have regular financial reports
    6. Be independent of political and / or religious bodies as well as employers.
    7. Have a minimum number of fifty (50) HBW members or the minimum number specified by the regional bodies to which they are affiliated, whichever is more
    8. Become a member of the relevant regional body where it exists
  • To strengthen the voice and create visibility for HBWs and your organizations working with HBWs
  • To learn and exchange knowledge with organisations of HBWs from different regions
  • To receive solidarity from other network members
  • To become aware about global dialogues around home-based work
  • To influence global stakeholders and organisations influencing home-based work and HBWs
  • To be a part of global campaigns, especially around ratification and implementation of ILO Convention 177 and policies for home-based workers, including implementation of ILO Recommendation 204

There is no cost to apply right now

. Members will be expected to pay a joining and annual fee, however, the amount is still being reviewed by the International Working Committee.

If your organisation is keen to become a member of HNI, please request for an Application Form from the representatives in each region, under Contact Us.

Download Affiliation Brochure:
English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

HomeNet International Constitution