HomeNet Eastern Europe
and Central Asia

HomeNet Eastern Europe and Central Asia (HNEECA) is a regional organization representing 11 organisations from 8 countries. Formed in the early 2000s, HNEE&CA aims to enhance the visibility and legal status of home-based workers in the Balkan region. Advocating for legislative regulations, market access, and worker organization, HNEECA strives to improve the livelihoods and rights of home-based workers. With a focus on ratifying ILO Convention 177 and implementing recommendations on decent work in the informal economy, HNEECA continues its important work in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


History of HNEECA

In the early 2000’s organisations focusing on the informal economy and home-based workers began to emerge in the Balkan region. To increase visibility and the legal status of home-based workers, representatives from organisations got together and drafted a declaration on building a HomeNet regional network. This declaration was adopted in March 2012 during the international conference “Building HomeNet Eastern Europe.”

The organisations declared their support to create a centre for informal economy workers, in particular for home-based workers, as part of the HomeNet Southeast Europe Network. The main objective was to achieve legal regulation of labour and social rights of home-based workers and all workers in the informal economy. To reach this objective, the organisations would fight for:

  • Ratification of ILO Convention 177
  • Implementation of the 2002 ILC “Recommendations and Conclusions Concerning Decent Work in the Informal Economy”
  • Increase publicity, visibility and validity of home-based workers, using the experience of WIEGO and GLI
In March 2013 HomeNet Eastern Europe was formally registered in Bulgaria, leadership was elected and a plan for the operation of the network was created. The long-term aim of the regional organisation was to enable home-based workers in Eastern Europe to improve their livelihoods, gain access to Social Protection and exercise their rights. The first HNEE Congress was held in June 2014, participants from its affiliate members from Albania, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine attended.
Between 2014 and 2019 three more organisations from Central Asia and one additional organisation from Eastern Europe joined, therefore, the organisation now calls itself HomeNet Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In September 2019, they held their second Congress, uniting 15 organisations. The main issues which unite representatives of the different organisations are the lack of legislative regulations, access to markets and organising home-based workers.

HNEECA Vision and Objectives:

According to the Statute of HNEECA:

Goals and means to achieve them (Article 7):

To achieve its goals, the Association performs the following activities (Article 8):

Declaration of Home-Based Workers, Sofia, Bulgaria; 20 June 2016 – HomeNet Eastern Europe Globa Conference 2015.pdf

Challenges and Experiences in organizing Home-Based Workers in Bulgaria – Spooner Organizing Home Based Workers Bulgaria WIEGO OB7.pdf

RESOLUTION №2 – Need for a comprehensive and common approach to the single marketCovid-19 and Violence Against Women

In 2019, home -based workers from six countries in Central Asia undertook a multi-stop “cara-van”, traveling to raise awareness of the cultural and economic contributions of home-based artisans in the region. This 48-minute video features interviews and information about how Central Asia’s home-based worker organizations are working as part of a global movement.

Violeta Zlateva

HomeNet Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Regional Coordinator|
Email: [email protected]

HNEECA Liaison Office

“Tzar Simeon”112 Str.
1202 Sofia, Bulgaria